HCHC offers the following benefits to all full-time employees:
Payroll is processed on a bi-weekly basis (every other Friday) through the ADP payroll portal. To learn more about the system, please review the tutorial videos:
Direct Deposit Form
Hellenic College encourages all employees to utilize the direct deposit benefit. With direct deposit, 在指定的发薪日,钱会自动存入你的支票或储蓄账户. Direct Deposit helps avoid lost checks and saves unnecessary trips to the bank.
使用W-4表格来计算从你的薪水中扣除的联邦所得税的正确数额. 你可能想每年回顾一下你的预扣税,尤其是在完成你的纳税申报表之后. 你可以做出调整,从你的薪水中扣除或多或少的所得税.
The I-9 is a U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services form. 它被雇主用来核实雇员的身份,并确定该工人有资格接受在美国的工作.
Hellenic College, Inc. is an Equal Opportunity Employer.
Hellenic College Holy Cross is a member of The Tuition Exchange, 为符合条件的高等教育机构雇员的受抚养子女提供的互惠奖学金交换计划. Over 600 U.S. colleges and universities participate in the Tuition Exchange program.
学费交换计划的总体概述以及它如何与网赌送跳槽彩金大全圣十字协调 here.
目前,网赌送跳槽彩金大全圣十字学费交换计划为即将入学的新生和转学生提供长达四年(八个学期)的本科教育. HCHC还为研究生提供学期的学费奖学金.
The Hellenic College Holy Cross Tuition Exchange Program Liaison Officer is Rev. Deacon Gary Alexander, Executive Vice President for Administration and Finance, galexander@mysrcbs.com.
有资格获得网赌送彩金平台大全学费交换计划奖学金, a student:
The receipt of a Tuition Exchange Program award depends on:
注意:获得学费交换计划奖学金认证的学生不符合参加学费交换计划机构的入学资格, 被参与学费交换计划的机构录取也不能使学生有资格获得学费交换计划奖学金.
Tuition Exchange Program Certification
In order to receive Tuition Exchange Program certification, 网赌送跳槽彩金大全圣十字受雇学生的家长或监护人必须提交一份 Tuition Exchange Program Application to the Hellenic College Holy Cross Office of Finance and Administration.
The Hellenic College Holy Cross Tuition Exchange policy states:
Please note that there is a $500 fee, made payable to Hellenic College Holy Cross, for each accepted student to the exchange program.
The accepted student will also be charged $25 per course credit. 每年500美元的学费和课程学分将用于向就读非会员学院和/或大学的员工子女提供未来的奖学金,而这些子女无法从该计划中受益.
通过学费交换计划收到的资金仅用于学费. All enrollment and processing fees are the responsibility of the student.
Application for Admission to Participating Tuition Exchange Program Institution
学生必须在可能就读的院校提交参加学费交换计划的入学申请. 入学申请必须按照各院校的入学要求和程序完成. 这个过程发生在学生预计在参与交流机构入学的秋季学期之前的秋季.
Visit the Tuition Exchange website for a list of the participating institutions. 每个交换机构独立决定其学费交换计划的政策和程序. 交换机构的联络官将通知学生他们的申请被接受或拒绝获得学费交换计划奖励.